
What You Need to Know Prior to Starting a Business



Starting a business can brings up a ton of emotions all at once. First off it is exciting, scary, and daunting all at the same time. Whether you are starting a simple lawn care business or technology company there are certain aspects that you need to know before pursuing your own company.

Sending Out Mass Emails

It may sound annoying but sending out mass email is important to jump starting a business. Typically the response will be very low but that is how many people build their initial clientele.


Hiring Process

Depending on the type of business you are starting you will have to be strategic on how you are recruiting workers. If what you are doing is tech related, then the best piece of advice I can give is to go to the local university and find out when the next career fair is. I guarantee you will get more resumes than you could ever imagine. The best part is that when the summer ends you can either let them go or give them a permanent offer. In the mean time you do not have to pay them as much as someone with tons of experience.

Get a Mentor

Many people that are just starting out do not have a mentor and it truly shows. There is nothing easy about starting a business so having that person who can put things into perspective makes all the difference.

Finding an Investor

Finding an investor is no easy feat. If you are going down the venture capital route then you need to keep in mind that you will probably reach out to hundreds of them. That is just the beginning and from the time that you send the initial email, to the time you hopefully receive money could take over a year so pleas plan accordingly.

Starting a business is truly exciting but a lot of work at the same time. In the end there is no better feeling than when you are a few years into a company and look back to the struggles of starting out while knowing you actually made it.
