You say you want marketing news and commentary? Well, you came to the right place. The Big Fat Marketing Blog is updated daily by the editors of Chief Marketers, Directors, and Multi-channel Merchants. Opinions? Oh yeah, we got em’. Don’t say we didn’t warn ya’.
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My name is Kasey and I have been immersed in the sales and marketing industry since the day I left Penn State University with i know it’s hard to guess but a marketing degree. That was almost ten years ago and since I have been bouncing around the world doing small projects independent projects for media companies while treating this as my second full time job.
As for hobbies I love to go camping which I find is a necessary escape once in a while but don’t worry it does not happen often so your articles will get published. Hope you enjoy reading and if you have any questions just know you can always reach out to me through email at [email protected]

Chief Business Officer