
Common Identity Theft Scams and How to Avoid Them



Most people spend their entire lives building up their name as well as good credit. With an uncertain economy no one can afford to get taken advantage of. Scammers are getting more and more crafty with different ways to clear your bank account or commit fraud in your name. Sure, there are thousands of people that get their credit cards stolen each day but that is recoverable with proof. It is so much harder if someone buys your information and starts opening up credit cards. Almost all of the time you will not figure anything out until the bill collectors start knocking.

Below are some common scams and how to spot, and avoid them right away.

Can you Hear Me?

With just the simple answer of “Yes” to an unknown phone call so many things can go wrong. Many people committing identity theft will use a recording of you saying yes to authorize all types of charges and different things.

Once the damage is done in that aspect it may be so deep that it can take years to undo.

Social Security Number

Your social security number is your unique number carried throughout life and used to identify people when it comes to many things including employment and loans. Someone can literally get a job pretending to be you, or take out a business loan. The possibilities for destruction are endless when it comes to someone else using your social security number.

Pay Attention

With all of the different credit cards and services out there it is paramount to make sure the person on the other end of the line is legitamite. Make sure to always verify the company you’re talking to. Many people that do scams claim they are from major companies when in reality they are scamming people full time in a foreign country. Countries are trying to crack down on this but it is out of control.

One of the best things you can do is buy protection before something like this can even happen. There are services out there like peoplefinders that can alert you the second something like that is put in motion. The amount of people out there without protection who are becoming victims is too much to count. Action needs to be taken beforehand to have any chance of reducing risk.

