
Some Common Misconceptions About Studying an Online MBA Degree



MBA degree is the best degree for someone who wants to see the big picture of an organization, a strategic lens approach to an organization and how different parts of an organization collaborate to work together. MBA tends to take the bigger picture approach to what you learn. It is one of the most recognized degrees out there. And an online MBA program requires the same persistence, dedication, and hard work as a regular traditional MBA program would do so. There are some of the misconceptions about online learning that has developed over the years but the reality is likely different from one’s expectations.

  • Pursuing an online MBA is easier than taking up the regular MBA classes: Online MBA is just as hard as or even more challenging than the residential MBA program. In addition to typical classroom activities, the online MBA program has interactive online assignments such as discussion board posting, collaborating projects, and even some game-based activities.
  • Online degrees are more about technology: It’s not, it is about experts reaching students where they are bringing education to students or meeting them in the middle ground through the internet. Students with less technical know-how can also go for an online MBA program.
  • No one-on-one interaction with professors: There is a misconception that while pursuing an online MBA, a student has no interaction with professors and peers. This statement is completely wrong, they give assignments where students go out, interact with different people and do observations. There is a co-work type of fashion where you actually go through each and every course in the program with the same group of students and you also get to know about them.
  • Reputation: Most of the colleges and universities around the world have adopted the online model of education, consequently employers have also begun to realize that online degrees provide students with the same real and actionable value as a regular program. So is the case with an online MBA program too.
  • Credibility: Some people still think that physically attending a class is better than having to attend an online class. However, research has shown that students who attend online classes perform better than those who attend physical classes. Online degrees are recognized by employers all over the world and are legitimate but the courses have to be accredited for recognition.
  • Students don’t learn that much as they do in a face to face MBA degree class: There is nothing to do with the modality of learning or has to do with the learning adjectives with facility teaching and the commitment of the learners, if all these things are there, students can learn as effectively as they want to. They can even learn more in online classes as they would do in their regular MBA classes.
  • Students in an online MBA program don’t get individual attention from their professors: In an online MBA program, your professor, mentor or instructor gives feedback for each virtual homework submission just as they would do in a regular traditional class. You’ll have the access to help in the form of your professors, whenever you need it.

Now, you can just go and study online MBA.

