
5 Benefits of CBD



It wasn’t that long ago that cannabis was unfairly stigmatized as a useless, even harmful plant. But as science has learned more about the chemical compounds found in cannabis, the sweet leaf has gone from something your parents warned you away from to one of the most promising medical substances in the world.

The most visible cannabis-related product today is cannabidiol, or CBD. Devoid of the mind-altering effects of that other well-known cannabis compound THC, CBD is used to treat everything from anxiety and depression to certain kinds of seizures and even cancer. But its healing abilities aren’t the only thing CBD has going for it.

It takes many forms

Though many associate cannabis and cannabis-related products with the act of smoking, the truth is that CBD comes in a wide variety of delivery methods to suit different needs.

There are highly concentrated CBD dabs, which can be vaporized and inhaled for fast-acting relief. There are CBD drops which can be added to a drink or absorbed under the tongue, providing smaller “microdoses” as needed. There are CBD ointments that target localized aches and pains, CBD sublingual strips for discrete all-day treatment, and even CBD bath bombs.

It’s all natural

For those who are skeptical of artificial drugs and highly modified medicines, CBD is alluring for the simple reason that is a naturally occurring plant extract. On a related note, CBD products undergo a very simple refinement process, meaning they’re largely free of added chemicals.

What’s more, CBD and the human body are a natural fit. CBD contains cannabinoids, and the human body comes equipped with its own endocannabinoid system. The similarity in those names isn’t coincidental. In many ways, our bodies are hard-wired to use CBD.

It’s good for cooking

Being an oil, CBD is an ideal option for those who enjoy experimenting with new cooking methods. Just like olive oil or peanut oil, CBD oil can be integrated into all kinds of savory dishes, imbuing them not only with a rustic, herb-like flavor but also a unique buffet of mood-improving, appetite-stimulating properties.

CBD isn’t just limited to entrees and appetizers either. Bakers with a sweet-tooth can use CBD butter to infuse cookies, cakes, brownies, and other delectable desserts with a unique cannabidiol kick.

It’s legal everywhere

While the legal status of marijuana remains in flux, with each state having its own different laws regarding who can grow it, who can sell it, who can buy it, and what it can be used for, CBD is legal in all 50 states. The only catch is that, in many cases, it can only be derived from low-THC hemp plants.

In general, this wider availability has helped CBD develop a massive user base. Likewise, having all the benefits of marijuana without the psychotropic side effects is a major draw for those who need relief but don’t like the idea of feeling “stoned.”

It’s animal friendly

Animal lovers, rejoice. Not only is CBD safe for you, but it’s safe for all your furry friends as well. Owing to its natural, non-toxic quality, you don’t have to worry much if Fido gets into your stash. It’s virtually impossible for humans or animals to overdose on CBD. Unlike some other things you might keep in your medicine cabinet, the only thing likely Fido is likely to experience with CBD is a major case of drowsiness.

In fact, not only is CBD animal-safe, in many cases it can be just as beneficial for them as it is for us. Older pets suffering from arthritis or younger one prone to thunderstorm-related panic attacks can enjoy CBD-infused treats designed just for them. CBD really is for everyone!
