
The Power of Color In Your Branding



Take a refreshing drink from your favorite soda pop brand or hop on a flight from your customer service-oriented airline service. Oh, you have a hankering to go on social media to see what’s going on and tell what is on your mind?

Remember that each of these brands has simple colour schemes but evokes different emotions and makes you think about their services and products.

In many cases, the more you see those similar colour schemes, the more you are likely to think about these brands and use their products and services.

One major component that you will notice is that these brands only come with simple colour schemes. They don’t vary their colours throughout your entire experience with them. If they choose a shade of blue, that is what you will see for their whole brand.

The power of colour psychology is something you should certainly pay attention to and utilize within your company life. Remember that simplicity in your brand’s colour palette matters in more ways than one and is of vital importance.

Let us learn more about the value of colour and the psychological catalysts entangled within it.

Standardized Colour Patterns

Every single powerful brand has simplicity and standardization in their branding from their colours to their websites and their various banners and physical advertising.

Experts at places like Banner World go as far to note that colour patterns and the overall implementation of these patterns can create or destroy the business perception.

Did you know that first impressions apply to brands as well? That people will have an immediate perception of your business within the first few minutes? That impression of your business and overall presentation will make them want to interact with your brand or will repel them.

Again, the major point here is that every single business must make sure to choose the right colours and pay close attention to how the print, push the brand, and create value for their consumers. The overall standardization and continuous push is what makes people see the brand and recognize it for what it is.

The right psychology makes a world of difference and enables people to see your brand differently.

The Subtle Nuance of the Right Colors in Your Psychology

Did you know that different companies conducted research into the value of colours in the latter part of the 19th century? That shows you that future-forward thinkers in the 1800s were thinking about the different reasons why one brand succeeds while another fails due to presentation.

One of the more astounding aspects of the research is that different dues might not trigger sales and may bring about a vast sense of success from the hue choice alone.

But why do you think that it is so? The primary reason is that people view the world differently and notice that it is subjective instead of objective. That means one colour might affect one person in one way while it affects another person in a different light.

Now, why is that, why are people seeing the world differently? The first point is that they might literally see the world in a different light because of their brain makeup. The second point is that people will see the world differently because everyone has different lives and experiences. That means that various cultural and life experiences will bring about different emotions with different hues.

Your particular hue choice will vary from who your audience is and the type of groups that they have an affinity with in their lives.

The truth is that there are some colours that evoke certain types of energy. For instance, red is associated with passion, energy, and even speed. Blue is a color that is in line with calm and tranquility and even trust.

When you think about the color green, you think about life and objects that are thriving and full of vigor.

We think about yellow and think about the sun.

Meanwhile, you would have a strong attachment to purple and the idea of nobility or royalty. For some reason that is what people see when they see these colours and that is how the perception for these colors continue to be in many cases.

The Right Colour

What do you think is the best colour for your brand? You must ask yourself what you are trying to convey and who you are trying to reach. The colour choice must be something that can appeal to your community while establishing your brand as something that they can trust and build a relationship with for your product and service.

One major point here is that you must align your brand patterns to what is in line with consumer expectations. Remember that consumers have a certain expectation for your business and your brand choice, and they will respond accordingly.

Yes, that is right, it is all about the details, and colour patterns are a critical component of brand details.

Don’t stress out too much when it comes to your colours but make sure to think about how you can stay in line with your customers and move them when they interact with your brand.

Remember to have fun with it.

