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Expert Tips on Quicker Blog Post Writing



Content rules the world now, so even if you are not a writer or a student needing to compose writing pieces regularly, you may still need to do with writing daily. With the rise of commercial blogs, many people launched their expert blogs to share their expertise or discuss urgent matters with their audience. So, if you’re a professional blogger, the topic of writing something catchy and relevant every day is pressing for you. 

One thing to keep in mind is – being a blogger doesn’t mean bursting with creativity and baking hot texts every minute. The CEO of righteously noted that regular writing is more of a routine than a genius. Therefore, to master that routine, bloggers need to develop discipline. Here are some pro tips to make the writing business easier and more manageable with writing speed improvement. 

Design Your Templates 

We rarely notice how much time is wasted on the proper formatting of texts. Consequently, it is much easier to get ready for regular writing with ready-made templates organized by topic or blog type. Experts of recommend having both format templates (e.g., files with the formatted heading and subheadings, fonts, and margins) and content templates (prompts helping you to structure ideas in a how-to blog post, a press release, or a case study as these types are quite different). 

Catch Inspiration when It Strikes 

Commercial writing is indeed different from fiction, but the laws of creativity still rule it. This means that if you have no clue about what to write, you’ll hardly produce a single readable line. Not to get into a rut hours before the publication, prepare some rough notes for the next blog post once the inspiration strikes you. It’s always good to have a notebook with you, writing down some exciting thoughts coming to you when you drink coffee, travel on a train, or go to a gym. The muse can come at any moment. So, why lose the precious insights it brings only because you’re not at your writing desk now? 

Use Writing Tools’ Support 

Even if you are a great writer, another pair of eyes will always be right. Today, specialized software can play this role flawlessly. Choose from the list of handy apps to polish your posts and deliver maximum value to your readers. 

  • Grammarly. This all-in-one tool may help you spot grammar and style mistakes, typos, and syntax errors. Besides, it offers useful synonym replacement suggestions and provides a comprehensive plag check for all content. 
  • Headline Analyzer is an invaluable assistant in capturing the value of your headings. As you know, headings decide much when it comes to SEO optimization and readability. So, use this tool to maximize your headings’ impact.
  • Academized. This tool is quite handy when it comes to a quick plagiarism check. 
  • The website is home to a team of qualified editors who can produce a manual check of your article and spot all kinds of errors in it. 

Set Time Limits 

It’s a super-strange observation, but people really work much better under time pressure. Most of us are prone to procrastination, so having three days or three hours for a 500-word blog post makes no difference. We’ll complete it within both timeframes, while in the latter case, we have all chances to do it much better. 

Why does this happen? It’s an interesting psychological phenomenon revealing that the human brain works better in limited time conditions. Adrenalin activates the brain cells, making them work better. 

So, how to use that principle to your benefit as a writer? A wrong takeaway would be to postpone all the writing until the last moment. The right decision is to set rigid limits for yourself, thus managing your time productively and avoiding procrastination by all means. 

Have a List of Evergreen Topics

Do you feel completely stuck, with no ideas and no creative drafts at hand? Then it’s time to turn to the bulletproof list of evergreen topics. Each industry has its list of evergreen subjects that the audience will appreciate. Universal tips that experts of OUR WEBSITE share include: 

  • A how-to guide (how to use something, how to choose a product among competitors in its category, how to make something with your hands, etc.) 
  • A beginner’s guide (an intro to a specialized topic in simple words) 
  • Help documents (a guideline on how to complete certain documents, where to find them, what documents are needed for a package for some activity, such as selling a house, insuring your life, etc.) 
  • A FAQ section (a collection of frequently asked questions and competent answers to them) 
  • Best practices (a case study of best practices in your niche – from your personal experience or the one from successful industry representatives). 

The list can continue forever. Use these tips to develop your blog, but don’t abuse this strategy as too many evergreen posts may blur your blog’s uniqueness and brand identity. 

Find a Place for Your Muse 

Every person is creative in their own way and their own environment. Hence, to produce an engaging post, some of us need a noisy coffee shop, while others can create a masterpiece in the complete silence of a library. Determine your creativity type and set a place for your writing to derive maximum value from the time spent on this activity. You will see how simple it may be to produce a 1000-word text within an hour or two in the atmosphere you love instead of battling with that blog for hours. 

Practice Creative Writing 

Nothing helps people progress in writing better than a little bit of chaos. The reason behind this is the irrational nature of creativity, which tends to exhibit itself only in the conditions of little control. Consequently, to free your muse, you may use brainstorming and freewriting activities. It doesn’t matter how unstructured and disorganized the product of such writing gets. The most important is to get those ideas out of your head. The next step will be organizing and structuring what you get. 

When it comes to blog writing, creativity should marry discipline for things to work out flawlessly. Dedicate enough time to developing your blog, write regularly, record all creative ideas coming to you in the most unexpected moments, and your investment will pay off in the form of a grateful, engaged audience.  

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How to Grow Your Brand Regardless of the Industry



Entrepreneurs are central to the economies of all countries worldwide because they provide employment and income to many. Anyone can be an entrepreneur these days, needing only a solid business idea and little capital to get started.

However, the business world is a highly competitive one, as many brands are popping up to cater to different needs. Therefore, it’s vital to seek guidance on differentiating your brand from the competition to boost its growth over time. Doing this isn’t always easy, but luckily, we’re here to help. Below are specific ways to grow your brand regardless of your industry.

Show Hospitality

Businesses are about people and relationships, not mere numbers and contracts. Therefore, hospitality is a great tool you can use to differentiate your brand irrespective of your industry. People appreciate the human factor in business, so showing a hospitable side to employees and customers boosts your reputation. You can try serving hot morning coffee at your reception to welcome customers.

Your clients will also undoubtedly appreciate a cold cup of juice or water to receive them on a hot afternoon. Having disposable cups is important for cost-savings in your hospitality efforts, and brands like GoFood Service can handle these concerns.

GoFoodService provides a wide variety of disposable beverageware that businesses and other operations require. They have quality paper and plastic cups, coffee sleeves, drink straws, drink carriers, and disposable beverage containers. Despite being sourced from top industry brands like LBP Manufacturing, World Centric, and Dixie, these supplies are affordable. Environmentally-conscious businesses aren’t left out, as there are several eco-friendly and biodegradable beverageware options to choose from.

Look the Part

Personal branding remains a vital aspect of branding that several companies rely on to grow their businesses. Your brand reflects who you are and how others perceive you. Therefore, elements such as your clothing choices, body language, and how you communicate are crucial to how people judge you in the business world. Researchers say 55% of a first impression depends on how you’re dressed. Therefore, invest in the right apparel to make good first impressions wherever you go.

The right personal style makes you stand out and could attract people to your brand. Accessories are essential here, and retailers such as Kendra Scott can help with that. This jewelry designer creates and repairs unique, fashion-forward jewelry. They use natural materials like genuine stone and shell to create luxurious yet affordable jewelry, which is accessible to every woman. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, chains, and charms are accessories they provide. These products are thoughtfully crafted with design and innovation in mind while staying true to color, shape, material, and value. Kendra Scott is known for its employee and customer-centric business approach. What’s more, they’re a reputable and trusted brand and have been providing quality jewelry to women worldwide for years.

Learn Helpful Strategies

To grow a successful brand, modern-day entrepreneurs need to learn vital growth strategies from multiple sources. Modern markets are multifaceted, social media’s influence on business is growing, and global markets are becoming more complex. All these necessitate that entrepreneurs constantly evolve through learning to remain relevant. You need to keep abreast of industry trends, international markets, technological innovations, and expertise.

Learning how to keep your employees productive and goal-oriented in today’s world is also crucial to making your brand successful. Thankfully, there’re abundant tools you can access to help you out with this. Resources such as the OKRs podcast are useful for entrepreneurs’ constant learning.

The OKRs podcast is designed by WorkBoard. WorkBoard designs OKRs software that organizations use in tracking team progress on shared goals. They focus on team output instead of individual performance, training your employees to develop an “outcome mindset.” Therefore, all employees central to your business operations receive training on being results-oriented. The OKRs podcast helps leaders-from-home to learn more about the OKR strategy and other useful insights. The knowledge shared on this podcast is crucial to assisting entrepreneurs in keeping their teams aligned, connected, and moving towards results. What’s more, they’re experienced and trustworthy, helping many other entrepreneurs track progress and achieve goals. As such, you can ensure that your brand’s targets and results align in the end through accountability.

Value Your Employees

Employees are central to all business operations because they represent your brand everywhere and can make or break it. Many of your other brand growth strategies rely on these employees’ wholehearted involvement for success. Consequently, it would be best to prioritize employee welfare to keep them happy and engaged. You may not be able to afford free meals, onsite yoga, and other fancy perks of big corporations. Nevertheless, there’re still ways that you can keep employees happy and engaged in your business.

Empowering your employees is one way of achieving this. By giving them extra responsibility to show their full potential, they can demonstrate how valuable they are. Little financial incentives and appreciating their output is also necessary, so prioritize this. Finally, prioritize employee quality of life. You can adopt flexible employee policies that respect employees’ personal lives away from the office. For example, discover what you should know about CBD cigarettes and how employees may use them to unwind from their life’s stressors. Assure them that as long as they don’t abuse it or smoke on company grounds, you don’t have a problem with this smoking habit. Prioritizing employee welfare in this manner keeps them engaged and happy, so do consider adopting this strategy.

Social Media Presence

Social media presence nowadays is indispensable to brands aiming to grow. The good news is, every single brand, irrespective of size, can use social media to extraordinary effects for growth. Out of the 4.5 billion internet users worldwide, over 3.8 billion use social media. Consequently, you can use social media to make your company’s products and services known. You can benefit from new leads and increased sales and increased customer loyalty through social media. Your brand’s customer service can even improve with social media activity. But how can you achieve all this?

Firstly, set your specific social media goals to align with your marketing and business expectations. This way, you have specific standards with which you can measure your social media performance. It’s also crucial to know your intended audience, so you can craft the perfect social media strategy that engages them best. It would be best to understand who exactly falls under your target audience, which platforms they prefer, and the interests they have. With this knowledge, you can tailor suitable content that appeals to your audience. Behind-the-scene workplace photos can work wonders here, so keep this in mind. Finally, maintain brand consistency across all social media with logos, descriptions, and posts to build steady brand recognition over time.

In conclusion, there’re several strategies you can employ to grow your brand, no matter what industry you decide to enter. By practicing the above-listed points and other helpful methods, your brand can experience enough growth to take it to the next level.

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Tips to Consider When Presenting to an International Audience 



Presenting to an audience is a daunting task. It’s even more challenging when it’s in front of people from different cultural backgrounds. Convincing them to listen and believe in the presentation might be a huge challenge. It’s even more difficult if the goal is to convince a potential investor from a different country. The steps can be useful when presenting to an international audience and are worth noting.

Be aware of cultural differences

Not all cultures are the same. It doesn’t mean that one is inferior to the other. The key is to understand what these differences are and learn to be respectful. For instance, it’s impolite for some cultures to be late. It could go the other way around for some cultures. Therefore, understanding the value of time is the first step to arrange the presentation schedule accordingly.

Another potential cultural difference is the manner of speaking. For some cultures, it might be normal to speak fast and in a more combative manner. It doesn’t mean that the speaker is rude or has bad intentions. It could also be due to linguistic differences. Understanding why the other party speaks a certain way will be helpful. Knowing all these details will be great before the presentation begins.

Get to know the other party before the presentation 

Researching about the people involved in the presentation would also be useful. Getting to know them and their cultural backgrounds would be a good start. Even companies also have different cultures. For instance, in some businesses, conducting long meetings is the norm. However, for other businesses, they try to avoid long meetings as much as possible. Therefore, the length of the presentation will depend on the other party.

Ask questions and be open to questions 

Learn to ask questions politely. The people involved in the presentation will appreciate the questions asked. It shows engagement in the conversation. It also helps to be open to questions. It’s a sign that the presenter is confident. However, it’s crucial to learn how to use the right tone when asking questions. Sometimes, the tone could affect the conversation. Even if you didn’t mean anything bad, the other party might interpret it that way. As a result, the conversation might not proceed positively.

Learn the basic polite gestures

For some cultures, bowing is part of the tradition. It’s a sign of respect for the people in the room. In other cultures, shaking hands or kissing on the cheeks is the norm. Don’t feel awkward if the other party greets you in a manner you’re not used to. Don’t say no or be hesitant. It could affect the level of comfort of the parties involved as the presentation moves along. Saying thank you can also be expressed using different strategies. Regardless of the culture, it’s important to say thank you for expressing appreciation. It also doesn’t matter if the discussion ended the way you wanted. It is always polite to say thank you.

Don’t expect a response on the same day 

After the presentation, you can have small talk with the people in the room. It would also be great to have a wonderful relationship with them. The potential investors might decide not only based on what you said, but on your attitude. Some of the most successful business people know how to work with people from different backgrounds. For these investors, it could take a while before making decisions. Give them time to reflect on the presentation. You will know the decision through an email or phone call. Either way, it pays a lot to be patient.

Take the presentation seriously 

Taking the presentation seriously doesn’t mean that you have to look serious. It means that you have to prepare well before you present. It’s an excellent way of showing your politeness. When you enter the room and don’t even know what to talk about, it could be disrespectful. It’s a sign that you don’t take the transaction seriously. It could be offensive to the other party, especially if they are potential investors.

If you’re going to host the meeting, you should do it in a room with the necessary equipment for the presentation. It would help if you can have a projector ceiling bracket so that it’s easy to set up the room and start the presentation. You should also prepare some snacks for your guests and try to make them feel comfortable.

These tips in presenting to an international audience will most likely help you close the deal. However, if things didn’t go as planned, you should learn from the experience. You can use do better in the future if you’re going to present to other people. It will always be challenging, and you have to be up for it.

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5 Ways To Win New Customers



2020 is coming to an end and you need to think of new ways to win customers. They’ve already got information at their fingertips, so what can you offer them that they don’t already know about you? You need to think fresh and think out of the box. What is customer acquisition and why is it important for your business? Let’s find out.

Customer acquisition 

Bringing in new clients and customers to your business who will buy your products and stay loyal to your brand is customer acquisition. Implement these 5 techniques to acquire and convert the audience you’re targeting, while getting ahead of the competition for the long-term.


Most markets today are oversaturated. Chances are whatever you’re selling, there’s someone out there offering it at a cheaper price. Use incentives to make yourself stand out by offering customers discounts, freebies and other courtesies that serve as a win-win for you both.

75% of customers are swayed towards a brand that offers incentives, and many customers today take it as a given, especially during peak times of the year like Black Friday, Valentine’s Day or Back-To-School sales. Customers wait in anticipation to see who is offering the best deals and are happy to try new brands during this time. Start small by offering free shipping, free samples or bulk discounts and see how many new customers that brings in. 


Even in today’s online world, it is important for businesses to invest time and effort in networking the old-school way. Networking, when done effectively, will help spread the word about your brand, grow your business and bring in new clients. Attend events and trade shows related to your industry. See what your competition is doing and how their customers are interacting with them. Learn from the strengths and weaknesses of your competition, and think about how you can do the same or do it better!

Customers love to see real faces behind a brand, so use your staff and team to your advantage. Networking works best when you reach out to your suppliers, stakeholders, family and friends and then expand your network slowly.

Explore different pricing

Customers don’t always pick the cheapest option available to them, but it does help. An effective pricing strategy will position you for success in the long-run. If you’re new to your market or have very few competitors, you can set a higher price and expect customers to approach out of the novelty of your product. However, if you are trying to lure customers away from competition, try matching their price point or going lower for a limited period. 

Offering bundle pricing is also a great way to move product quickly and increase your clientele immediately. Put a deadline in place so you don’t make too much of a loss over an extended period, and plan a way to recover once you’ve won over your new patrons.

Excel at customer service

The experience you offer to customers can be directly related to their happiness with your brand. Terrible customer experience puts you at risk of losing 25% of your existing customers and more than 70% of customers attribute their purchasing decisions to a positive interaction with a brand. Ultimately, excellent customer service pays off.

Invest in a great user experience and customer service team. Make sure you respond to every single query on email, social media and phone call, and never leave a customer unattended or ignored; especially new ones that you’re trying to win over. Offer multiple ways of getting in touch with your support team and follow up to ensure they have everything they need.

These 5 tips will get you new customers and maintain your existing clients to ensure they come back for more. The key is to monitor which method works for you best and focus on areas you can constantly improve; customer acquisition is successful when you exceed your client’s expectations and are able to retain a dependable base of loyal and regular customers.

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